
Challenge below is based on a 4-player party of level 6 characters.

N/A (1)V72001x Animated Armour
Hard (8)V13,900Ezmerelda d'Avenir (CoS p. 231)
Hard (9)V25,0001x Young Blue Dragon
7x DeadlyV420,0004x Clay Golems*
  • The Clay Golems will not attack unless attacked. Only an attacked unit will activate. Killing any one unit disables the elevator.

Event: Ezmerelda's Retreat

Original Text: p. 172

It is important to note that Ezmerelda has a low chance of staying with the PCs here if they've destroyed the Tower. She will have to be met again elsewhere if the PCs want her help.

Custom: Khazan's Phylactery

Page 89 describes Khazan as a powerful mage who became a Lich, but failed to ascend to demilichdom. In this custom variant, he did not fail.

His phylactery is here, in the secret compartment behind the suit of armour. It can be destroyed by a strike from Khazan's Staff of Power, hidden in Castle Ravenloft.