A quote on Tarokka:

In the adventure, it is suggested that the DM do one reading before the game, and then another if the heroes go to Eva's. This way, if the heroes never meet Eva, you have determined where the items are and etc. Be aware that if you do the reading at the table with your players, you might get results that you don't like.

My own thought is that the DM should rig the Magic Item locations. From the numbers below we can see a comparitively high chance that at least one of the items will appear in Castle Ravenloft. Reviewing the Magic Items page, however, shows that the Castle is already packed with other magic items. A pacing argument can also be made: do you want your players to find the Sunsword at the Ivlis River Crossroads, the first time they pass it?

  • Sunsword: Q53 - Beacon of Argynvostholt. Instead of resting

Item Distributions

There are 40 locations that the special magic items can appear.

Argynvostholt (14.62% chance of at least one):

  • Vladimir
  • Beacon room

Castle Ravenloft (76.7% chance of at least one):

  • Audience Hall
  • Chapel
  • Crypt 05
  • Crypt 07
  • Crypt 31
  • Crypt 37
  • Crypt 38
  • Hall of Bones
  • North Tower peak
  • Sergei's tomb
  • Strahd's Tomb
  • Strahd's parents' tomb
  • Strahd's study
  • Treasury
  • Wine cellar

Tsolenka Pass + Amber Temple (27.73% chance of at least one)

  • Head of Giant statue
  • Ravenloft model
  • Rooftop of Pass guard tower
  • Sealed Treasury

Werewolf Den (7.5% chance of at least one)

  • The Shrine

Vallaki (39.43% chance of at least one)

  • Blue Water Inn attic
  • Burgomaster's attic
  • Kasimir's hovel
  • Master bedroom of Wachterhaus
  • Rictavio's wagon
  • Vistani wagon

Village of Barovia (14.62% chance of at least one):

  • Madam Eva's cart
  • Ivlis River crossroads

Berez (14.62% chance of at least one):

  • Baba Lysaga's hut
  • Marina's monument

Van Richten's Tower (7.5% chance of at least one)

  • Top floor

Krezk (27.73% chance of at least one)

  • Abbey main hall
  • Abbey nursery
  • Abbey scarecrows
  • Under gazebo

Winery (7.5% chance of at least one)

  • Glassblower's workshop

Yester Hill (7.5% chance of at least one)

  • Beneath Gulthas tree

Old Bonegrinder (7.5% chance of at least one)

  • Attic