
Challenge below is based on a 4-player party of level 9 characters.

N/AX382001x Specter
N/AX324503x Barovian Witches, 3x Brooms of Animated Attack
N/AX398004x Specters
EasyX221,4007x Specters
EasyX33d1,8004x Nothics
EasyX92,500Vilnius the Mage and his Quasit
Medium (10)X105,900Damaged Amber Golem w/ 145hp
Medium (10)X275,900Weakened Exethanter w/ 99hp
Medium (10)X33e5,900Death Slaad
Medium (10)X405,900Amber Golem
Medium (10)X55,900Rahadin (CoS p. 237)
HardX33c3,1507x Ghasts
HardX173,3003x Flameskulls
HardX6 / X33a3,3003x Flameskulls
Hard (12)X5a8,400Neferon the Arcanaloth
DeadlyX154,250Helwa the Gladiator, 5x Berserkers, 1x Dire Wolf
2x DeadlyX4210,8006x Vampire Spawn
2x DeadlyX511,7003x Flameskulls + Arcanaloth
4x Deadly (22)X2741,000Exethanter the Lich (in lair)


  • Neferon carries a Robe of Useful Items.
  • Vilnius carries a Shield Guardian command amulet.
  • The 2x Deadly encounter variation in X5 is essentially unwinnable. The flameskulls have 3/4 cover (+5 AC), and the Arcanaloth can't be targeted from behind its magical darkness. If the players dispel the darkness, the Arcanaloth still has 3/4 cover.
  • The Arcanaloth can see the X4 balcony, and can target creatures there with its Fireball and Chain Lightning spells.
  • Custom: In his weakened state, it is stated that Exethanter has forgotten his spells, but still knows his cantrips. To justify his Challenge Rating of 10, it should be assumed that his Legendary Resistance, Paralyzing Touch, and Legendary Actions are still available to him. His Lair Actions only return if his mind is restored.

Neferon's Hunt

CoS Page 184 describes how the Neferon the Arcanaloth should behave while the PCs are in the temple. In particular, it is stated that:

If the arcanaloth loses more than half its hit points, it teleports to the temple floor, turns invisible, and flees by the safest route, attacking the characters again when it's safe to do so.

Page 311 and 313 of the Monster Manual describe Arcanaloths. Notice that Arcanaloths:

  • Speak all languages and are telepathic.
  • Have true sight.
  • Can fly freely as their movement.
  • Are resistant to many damage types.
  • Can turn invisible "at will".
  • Can teleport as an action.
  • Can protect themselves via Counterspell, Banishment, and Mind Blank.
  • Can cause harm via Fireball, Chain Lightning, and Finger of Death.

We can assume that Neferon is very protective of the Amber Temple, and that he and Exethanter have "an understanding".

Should the PCs corner Neferon, he tries to fool them via Alter Self as described on Page 184. If instead they force him to flee the statue, he will pursue them about the temple. Conditions:

  • Neferon will not face the PCs in open combat.
  • He is always invisible while pursuing the PCs, but this guise is momentarily lost when he attacks.
  • If the PCs take a long rest within the temple, Neferon gains back his HP and spell slots.
  • He will not attack if the PCs are interacting normally with an NPC or Exethanter.
  • He will not attack if the PCs are engaged in a serious encounter.
  • If not otherwise barred from entering the room the PCs are in, Neferon will cast Fear or Fireball on the PCs if they attempt to take a short/long rest.
  • Neferon will specifically target PCs who turn invisible, since he can see them.

The Amber Sarcophagi

It should be made clear to the players that accepting gifts can permanently alter their characters (i.e. becoming evil). The gifts themselves have a strange range of negative side-effects, while having very nice positive effects.

Here are some suggestions for handling these effects, contrary to how they are originally written:

  • Spell gifts can be cast once per long rest, and never disappear.
  • Time-based gifts don't fade over time (or at least during the adventure).
  • A character could become a vampire, but not a Lich.
  • Zhudun's gift (perfect resurrection) lasts once as written.

Custom Development

Smashing all the Sarcophagi will prevent Strahd's return if he is killed. This fact should be insinuated by Exethanter if his memory is restored.