Rolls and Charts


LocationSyrinscape Soundset
Death HouseDeserted Desert House
Village of BaroviaElven Vale Night
Barovian CountrysideWitchwood / Storm
Tser PoolIn the Lair of the Siren
Old Bonegrinder?
VallakiBrindol Town
Blue Water InnFriendly Tavern
Lake ZarovichStony Beach
KrezkElven Vale Day
Van Richten's Tower?
Yester HillStorm
Tsolenka PassIcy Wasteland
Amber Temple?
Castle RavenloftDungeon Depths / Flooded Cavern

Common DCs

Note: Barred/Reinforced doors get +5 to the STR DC.

Glass/Amber Door5 STR
Wooden Door10 STR
Stone Door15 STR
Iron Door20 STR
Find Secret Door15 Perception
Pick Lock15 DEX (with Thieves Tools)
Smash Lock20 STR

Barovian Mist

Original text on p. 23/24

This refers to the mist that surrounds the boarders of Barovia, preventing escape.

  • A creature that starts their turn in the mist must pass a DC 20 CON save. Failure gives 1 level of exhaustion.
  • Creatures' vision is Heavily Obscured while in the mist.


Strahd is known to be able to control the weather. Perhaps his mood affects it too?


These have been overridden to use Celsius temperatures.

1 - 14Normal for the region
15 - 171d6 degrees celsius colder than normal
18 - 201d6 degrees celsius hotter than normal


  • Strong Wind imposes disadvantage on ranged attacks and Perception checks that rely on hearing.
1 - 12None
13 - 17Light
18 - 20Strong


  • Heavy precipitation imposes disadvantage on Perception checks that rely on sight.
  • Heavy rain does the same for hearing checks.
1 - 12None
13 - 17Light rain/snow
18 - 20Heavy rain/snow

Custom: Mist Thickness

  • None: A rare day in Barovia. The party can see across the valley.
  • Light: Limits visibility to 120 feet.
  • Heavy: Limits visibility to 60 feet.
  • Choking: Almost as thick as the mist wall around Barovia. Essentially 0 visibility, all attacks based on sight are made with disadvantage.
2 - 14Light
15 - 19Heavy


A long rest reduces exhaustion level by 1.

1Disadvantage on ability checks
2Speed halved
3Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
4HP maximum halved
5Speed reduced to 0


Damage Severity

Character LevelSetbackDangerousDeadly
1 - 41d102d104d10
5 - 102d204d1010d10
11 - 164d1010d1018d10
17 - 2010d1018d1024d10

Trap Danger

Overridden to include a randomness mechanism.

Trap DangerSave DCAttack Bonus
Setback9 + 1d2+3 to + 5
Dangerous11 + 1d4+6 to +8
Deadly16 + 1d4+9 to +12
  • A Spiked Pit does 2d10 piercing damage, plus any fall damage.
  • Poison Darts do four attacks, +8, 1d4 piercing + 2d10 poison on a failed DC 15 CON save.

Occupants of Barovian Houses

1 - 3None
4 - 82d4 Swarms of Rats
9 - 161d4 Barovian Villagers
17 - 202d4 Strahd Zombies

Occupants of Vallakian Houses

1 - 3None
4 - 52d4 Swarms of Rats
6 - 181d4 Vallakian Townsfolk
19 - 202d4 Vallakian Cultists, 1 Cult Fanatic

Random Encounters in Barovia (Day)

Roll for an encounter every 30 minutes the players are outside. Only allow two actual encounters per 12 hour period.

  • On the Roads: An encounter occurs between 18 and 20.
  • In the Woods: An encounter occurs between 15 and 20.

Hiding creatures that are spotted and flee can be Chased (DMG 252).

Custom: The random Revenant's name is Marek Targolov.

TODO: How to deal with the Strahd's spies?

d12 + d8Encounter
23d6 Barovian Commoners
31d6 Barovian Scouts
4Hunting trap
6False trail
71d4 + 1 Vistani Bandits
8Skeletal Rider
10Hidden Bundle
1150% of 1d4 Swarms of Ravens, 50% 1 Wereraven
121d6 Dire Wolves
133d6 Wolves
141d4 *Berserkers]
161d6 Human-form Werewolves
171 Druid with 2d6 Twig Blights
182d4 Needle Blights
191d6 Scarecrows
201 Revenant

Random Encounters in Barovia (Night)

d12 + d8Encounter
21 Ghost
3Hunting trap
7Hidden Bundle
8Skeletal Rider
91d8 Swarms of Bats
101d6 Dire Wolves
113d6 Wolves
121d4 Berserkers
131 Druid with 2d6 Twig Blights
142d4 Needle Blights
151d6 Wolf-form Werewolves
163d6 Zombies
171d6 Scarecrows
181d8 Strahd Zombies
191 Will-o-Wisp (once)
201 Revenant

Random Encounters in Castle Ravenloft

The first time the party enters an area that isn't occupied, roll for an encounter.

  • Just the Party: An encounter occurs between 18 and 20.
  • With Angry Commoners: An encounter occurs between 9 and 20.

Also check every 10 minutes the players spend resting.

d12 + d8Encounter
2Ezmerelda (once)
41 Black Cat (once if killed)
51 Broom of Animated Attack
61d4 + 1 Flying Swords
7Blinsky Toy
8Unseen Servant
91d4 Barovian Commoners
102d6 Crawling Claws
111d6 Shadows
121d6 Swarms of Bats
131 crawling Strahd Zombie
141d4 + 1 Vistani Thugs
151d4 Wights
17Giant Spider Cocoon (reroll if resting)
181 Barovian Witch (once)
191d4 + 1 Vampire Spawn
20Strahd von Zarovich

Strahd's Minions

Roll for this whenever Strahd appears outside his castle.

1 - 31d4 + 2 Dire Wolves
4 - 61d6 + 3 Ghouls
7 - 91d4 + 2 Strahd Zombies
10 - 122d4 Swarms of Bats
13 - 151d4 + 1 Vampire Spawn
16 - 183d6 Wolves
19 - 20None

Revenant Resurrection Locations

d20Corpse Location
1 - 4Village of Barovia cemetary
5 - 11Vallaki church graveyard
13Grave in Krezk
14Berez cemetary
15 - 16Grave in Svalich Woods
17 - 20Corpse of a dead party member or NPC

Random Books

d12Book theme
1Alchemist's tome
2Bestiary of strange beasts
3Biography of a forgotten king or queen
4Book of exotic recipes
5Book of heraldry
6Book of military strategy
7Epic novel
8Guide to fine wines
9Heretical text
10Historical text
11Poetry anthology
12Theological text