Renown is an optional system for tracking PC reputation within various organizations. Increased renown can confer benefits to the PCs. See page 22 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for a full explanation.

Denizens of Barovia

The peasantfolk of the three towns. They wish life wasn't so hard.

  • (+1) Bury the Burgomaster
  • (+1) Help Scouts find a missing person (their corpse, actually)
  • (+1) Rescue the kids from Old Bonegrinder
  • (+1) Bring wine to Krezk / Vallaki
  • (+1) Defeat Izek
  • (+1) Clear out the Coffin shop
  • (+1) Clear out the Abbey
  • (+1) Free Gertruda from the Castle
  • (-1) Kill an innocent Barovian (recurring)
  • (-1) Cause panic in Vallaki
  • (-1) Let Ireena die / become a vampire
1Get into Vallaki with a hassle
2Easy passage into Vallaki
6Regular prices at shops


All the Vistani of Barovia, except Ezmerelda.

  • (+1) Save Ratka
  • (+2) Meet with Madam Eva
  • (+2) Save Arabelle
  • (+2) Bring wine to Vallaki Vistani camp
  • (+2) Relinquish Ezmerelda to Arrigal (at Argynvostholt only)
  • (+1) Save Savid from Argynvostholt
  • (-1) Battle with Vistani
3Vistani will not assassinate nor scam the PCs
5Sleep at any Vistani camp as a friend
6Vistani will not attack PCs unless ordered by Strahd
7Raise Dead once per day (Madam Eva)

Servants of the Morninglord

These include Donavich of Barovia Village, Father Lucian Petrovich of Vallaki, his alter boy Yeska, the Abott of Krezk, and the spirit of St. Markovia.

  • (+1) Bury the Burgomaster
  • (+2) Restore the bones of St. Andral
  • (+2) Help the Abbot
  • (+1) Consecrate the OBG Monoliths
  • (+1) Consecrate the Berez Monoliths
  • (+2) Kill a vampire with St. Markovia's Thighbone.
1Sleep in any Church / Abbey
5Raise Dead once per day (Abbot or Father Lucian), -1 Renown

Vampire Hunters

Ezmerelda D'Avenir and Rudolph van Richten (aka Rictavio). They are concerned with ridding Barovia of evil, especially vampires.

  • (+1) Kill a vampire (recurring)
  • (+2) Help Rictavio escape if his cover is blown
  • (+1) Kill the Night Hags / the Abbot / Baba Lysaga / Rahadin / Wintersplinter
  • (+1) Help Ezmerelda find her Wagon
  • (+2) Help Ezmerelda find Van Richten
  • (+2) Kill Exethanter the Lich
  • (+2) Rescue Ezmerelda (a few places)
  • (-1) Blow up Ezmerelda's wagon / Van Richten's Tower
  • (-2) Relinquish Ezmerelda to Arrigal (at Argynvostholt only)
1FriendEzmerelda will join the party
4Monster HunterVan Richten will give up his Scroll of Raise Dead
7Vampire HunterSilver all non-magic weapons
12Van Richten+3d6 weapon dmg to undead

Note: The perks for all ranks above "Friend" can only be conferred by Van Richten himself.

Keepers of the Feather

The Keepers are ever-watchful, and respect the PCs the more good they do for Barovia.

  • (+1) Survive Death House
  • (+1) Kill the Night Hags / the Abbot / Baba Lysaga / Rahadin
  • (+2) Bring wine to the Blue Water Inn
  • (+1) Save Arabelle
  • (+1) Reunite Ireena and Sergei
  • (+1) Clear out the Abbey
  • (+1) Stop the cult in Vallaki
  • (+2) Save the winery from the Druids
  • (+2) Return a winery jewel
  • (+2) Stop the Druid ritual or kill Wintersplinter
  • (-1) Kill a wild raven
  • (-All) Kill a Wereraven
1Be watched over by helpful ravens
31d4 Wereravens show up in a pinch
6Receive the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
12Become a Wereraven

The Dark Powers

The Dark Powers like it when the PCs perform evil, or fail at good-aligned tasks.

  • (+1) Kill an innocent Barovian (recurring)
  • (+1) Let the OBG children be eaten
  • (+1) Bring a child to the Night Hags (recurring)
  • (+1) Let Arabelle drown
  • (+1) Replace Baron Vallakovich with Fiona Wachter
  • (+1) Let Anna Krezkova die
  • (+1) Let the winery be destroyed
  • (+1) Let Strahd attack Vallaki (St. Andral's Feast)
  • (+1) Accept a Dark Gift
  • (-1) Smash an Amber Sarcophagus
2Hear whispers of the Amber Temple in PCs' dreams