
Page 20, top-right.

Stanimir is joined by his daughter, Damia (CN male human spy), ...

should read

Stanimir is joined by his daughter, Damia (CN female human spy), ...

Page 28, top-right, second bullet.

When this curse ends, the Vistana it takes 1d6 psychic damage.

should read

When this curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.

Page 44, in the flavour text of the Burgomaster's Mansion:

... Heavy claw markings have stripped the once-beautiful finish of the walls.

should read

... Heavy claw markings have stripped the once-beautiful finish off the walls.

Page 47, there is a Fortunes of Ravenloft section in the church Undercroft, but no corresponding Tarokka card that can be drawn to select this location.

Page 61, bottom-left.

Directly across from the window stand a set of double doors in the east wall.

should read

Directly across from the window stands a set of double doors in the east wall.

Page 62, "King's Accountant" flavour text."

... around four heavy wooden chests fitted with study iron locks.

should read

... around four heavy wooden chests fitted with sturdy iron locks.

Page 100, top-left.

Danika Martikov usually tends bar while ...

should read

Danika Dorakova usually tends bar while ...

since she is named as such on page 98.

Page 133, Q12 description, third paragraph.

... The doors in the northeast corner hang open. ...

shoud read

... The doors in the northwest corner hang open. ...

Page 133, bottom right.

A continual light spell was cast...

should read

A continual flame spell was cast...

as there is no spell named continual light.

Page 138, Q36 description.

The west wall of this fifty-foot long, ...

should read

The east wall of this fifty-foot long, ...

as the east wall is shown on the map as being crumbled, and Vladimir is described as looking out windows in the opposite west wall.


Page 196, it is stated that Rahadin rides a Phantom Steed to the Amber Temple. This mount is the result of the Phantom Steed spell, not a creature listed in the Monster Manual.