Package Storage Locations

This page explains all important filepaths for Aura. Build paths can be configured in ~/.config/aura/config.toml.

Where are packages built?

By default, packages are built within ~/.cache/aura/builds/. Were a package specified in the chroot list in config, then it will instead be built in a chroot.

Where are packages stored?

Once built, all packages are sent to Aura's cache: ~/.cache/aura/cache/.

This directory can grow quite large, but can be cleaned with -Cc. You can use aura stats to view the sizes of various Aura-related directories.

What other filepaths are there?

Aura stores clones of known AUR packages in ~/.cache/aura/packages/, and saved package set states in ~/.cache/aura/snapshots/.

Aura also reads your pacman and makepkg configuration, which are generally expected to be at /etc/pacman.conf and /etc/makepkg.conf respectively, but it will respect the usual environment variables that alter those paths.