Configuring Aura

For certain settings we use all the time (e.g. language, build paths, etc.), Aura is configurable via ~/.config/aura/config.toml in the TOML format. This file, with sensible defaults, can be generated via:

aura conf --gen > ~/.config/aura/config.toml

Here are the specifics of each field.

General Settings

Governed within the [general] section.

cpusintAffects parallelism in various algorithms.
editorstringThe editor opened with --hotedit, etc.
doasboolPrivilege escalation occurs via doas, not sudo.
languagestringA code to specify the human language of Aura's output messages.
noconfirmboolAutomatically accept all prompts.

See aura stats --lang for available language codes.

AUR Package Building

Governed within the [aur] section.

buildstringA path to the build cache Aura should use.
cachestringA path in which to store built package tarballs.
clonesstringA path in which to clone package metadata.
hashesstringA path in which to store the git hash of the latest build.
builduserstringAn alternate user to build as.
chrootstring listPackages to build with pkgctl build in a chroot.
ignoresstring listPackages to never update.
gitboolForce update all VCS packages during -Au.
hoteditboolPrompt to edit build files (PKGBUILD, etc.) before building.
shellcheckboolRun shellcheck over PKGBUILDs before building.
diffboolDisplay PKGBUILD diffs during upgrades.
delmakedepsboolRemove makedeps after building.
cleanboolDelete a package's build directory after building.
warn_unknownsboolIf false, suppress warnings about unknown packages.
nocheckboolDon't run the check() function while building.
skipdepcheckboolDon't perform dependency checking at all.

Fields of type string list look like this:

ignores = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

Package Snapshots

Governed within the [backups] section.

snapshotsstringA path in which to store snapshot files.
automaticboolAutomatically save a snapshot during -Au.