
Aura is software specific to Arch Linux. It should also work on Arch-derivatives like Manjaro, but would not be useful on any other Linux distribution.

From the AUR

Prebuilt Binary

It is recommended to install the prebuilt binary of Aura:

git clone
cd aura-bin
makepkg -s
sudo pacman -U <the-package-file-that-makepkg-produces>

Source Package

For users who choose to build packages themselves or who already have an established Haskell development environment, the vanilla aura package is also available.

git clone
cd aura
makepkg -s
sudo pacman -U <the-package-file-that-makepkg-produces>

Building from Source

You will need the Stack Tool for Haskell to compile Aura yourself. Then:

git clone
cd aura
stack install -- aura

This may take a while to initially build all of Aura's dependencies. Once complete, your aura binary will be available in /home/YOU/.local/bin/.

Keep in mind that this version of Aura won't be tracked in pacman's database, and so it will be easier to miss updates.